The Caretta Research Project (CRP) is a hands-on research, conservation and education program dedicated to studying and protecting loggerhead sea turtles on Wassaw National Wildlife Refuge. In the 1960-70's, Georgia’s loggerheads faced many threats, leading to population declines. Savannah Science Museum, US Fish and Wildlife Service and Wassaw Island Trust recognized this decline and initiated the CRP.
The CRP is the longest continuously-run sea turtle tagging project in the US, and it is the only project in this country that invites the public to work beside biologists to help protect these magnificent animals.
Over the last 52 years, the CRP has celebrated much success due to our conservation efforts on Wassaw. These include:
This year, CRP’s annual fundraiser will be hosted at beautiful Eastern Wharf, on the Savannah River. This is an al fresco event, casual and comfortable, with live entertainment, libations, Slow Fire BBQ and the Red Taco Truck, and an exclusive silent auction.
On behalf of the staff and Board of Directors, we hope you will join us in celebrating CRP’s successful conservation efforts!
Hope to see you on the River!
Sincerely yours,
Kris W. Carroll, Executive Director (WassawCRP@aol.com) 912-704-9323
Carrie Bazemore, Board of Directors President (carriebazemore@icloud.com) 912-844-2038
$ 1 5 , 0 0 0 +
Provides for one new Kawasaki UTV and maintenance used for beach patrols
Includes: 10 Event Tickets + overnight experience for 2 to Wassaw with CRP biologist
$ 1 0 , 0 0 0
Provides island accommodations for staff and volunteers for 6 weeks
Includes: 10 Event Tickets + daytrip for 4 to Wassaw, including lunch and island tour by CRP biologist
$ 7 , 5 0 0
Provides scientific research supplies, publication fees and technology for the year
Includes: 10 Event Tickets + daytrip for 3 to Wassaw, including lunch and island tour by CRP biologist
$ 5 , 0 0 0
Provides college internships to assist the biologists on Wassaw for the season
Includes: 10 Event Tickets + daytrip for 2 to Wassaw, including lunch and island tour by CRP biologist
$ 2 , 5 0 0
Provides fuel for beach patrols throughout the season - Includes: 10 Event Tickets
$ 1 , 5 0 0
Provides screens for nest protection against predators - Includes: 6 Event Tickets
$ 1 , 0 0 0
Provides microchip tags and scanners for the season - Includes: 4 Event Tickets
$ 5 0 0
Provides meals for two weeks for staff and volunteers - Includes: 2 Event Tickets
Provides metal flipper tags for the season - Includes: 1 Event Ticket